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Benvenuto nel tour virtuale delle opere di:
Cor Fafiani
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Cor Fafiani
His work, which sculptures, aims at the exploration of potential fauna and the diversity of living beings. By imagining and by letting himself be inspired by myth, genetical manipulation, inaccessible places like the jungle and the depths of the ocean and the indescribable, he creates images that invite to a free and ethical introspection. His works in the shape of fantasy, hybrid, manipulated form a humorous universe between fiction and reality.
"Super Hero", 2020, acrilico su tela, 50x70 cm.
"Show case", 2020, acrilico su tela, 50x70 cm.
"Various Smiley 1", 2020, acrilico su tela, 50x70 cm.
"Real life", 2020, acrilico su tela, 50x70 cm.
"Nest heat", 2020, acrilico su tela, 50x70 cm.